Saturday, January 19, 2008

Snow and Weight Watchers

Well, while I did not wake up to a winter wonderland, it was fun to watch it snow for a short while this morning. Bandit, our beautiful, sweet, lovable, furry, border collie, was covered in snow, and perhaps the cutest thing I saw. I know Addi and Levi had fun and I have not received a Hannah report. Josh is in the woods hunting, so I hope this is his lucky day, as I need to re-stock the freezer!
I started Weight Watchers on Thursday. I think I will enjoy this group as they seem pretty low key. Funny thing, I went to WW over 20 years ago over in Fairfield, and the lady running the “weigh-in” was the same little old lady. I thought she was old then, but I guess that lets you know something about the way we look at age, because she was probably about the age I am now.
It seems kind of sad to pay a company to “motivate” you to eat right. You know, I have a great life. I have a wonderful God, a wonderful church, and a wonderful church family. I have a wonderful husband, the best kids, kid-in-laws (and their parents), and grandkids in the world. I love my sister, my brother, and their families. I love all of David’s family, and consider them my own. I have a great job, a wonderful principal that I work under (who loves to feed me, but is luckily on WW herself), co-workers that are like family, and I work with the greatest kids in the world. I have a second job that is amazing and has afforded me the opportunity to meet so many people and establish friendships through my position. And yet, despite all of this, the one thing I can’t seem to control is my weight. I had a happy childhood (for all the psyco-analysts out there), and suffered no abuse. I was accepted in school and seldom suffered much teasing. I do not eat a pound of bacon at a time- I do not raid the refrigerator at night (I seldom eat ANYTHING after the evening meal)- if I ate a half gallon of ice cream I would be sick, and yet this weight thing has been my lifelong battle. Now granted, I am not an exercise buff, and when I do eat I know I eat the wrong things and too much of it, but I am surrounded by skinny people who do the same thing. I have no health problems, my BP usually runs about 100/55 (yes, you read that right) and my cholesterol is 100 (yes, you read that right as well). So, why can’t I conquer this weight problem? I have lost a little over 20 pounds in the past month, and I feel really good. Why can’t the “good” feeling continue to rise over the “I want to eat” feeling?
Well, enough self-pity. I am off to walk on the treadmill. We dusted it off a few days ago and David has been walking (he is also back on the “program”). So, please pray for us as we once again try to take off the pounds and keep them off.


Mandi said...

You can do it!! I have faith in you. Keep trying and keep up posted if you would like. I'll definitely be praying for you! Miss you LOTS, Mandi

Mandi said...

You can do it!! I have faith in you. Keep trying and keep us posted if you would like. I'll definitely be praying for you! Miss you LOTS, Mandi