Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thanks, Kim and Paul for the Blog Makeover!

Thanks to Kim, Paul and kids for the Blog makeover for my birthday. Teale did a great job, and I am truly excited about the new look. Just think- just a very few years ago no one knew what a blog was- much less give someone a "blog makeover" as a gift. Times are a changing! Do you like the new look?


Kim said...

I LOVE the new look!!!

Crystal said...

LOVE it! I actually have one of those coming for my birthday too. I'm so excited. :)

I hope you had a great birthday.

Paul said...


Teale said...

So glad you like it! :)

Katie said...

Teale did a GREAT job! I like it a lot. BTW, thanks for my birthday wishes! I love you too!

lmbolus said...

It looks great!

Anonymous said...

Think it looks great! Suits you!