It has been an emotional week at the Courington home. Our beloved father, father-in-law, and PaPa has been in the hospital. He fell last Thursday (nothing broken), and thankfully the hospital admitted him because he could not stand on his own, and probably because they sensed that PaPa could not go home with the situation as it was. Around the clock sitters are no longer enough to counter the ravages of Alzheimers. What a sad disease. Growing old, gracefully, does not happen to everyone. I know several individuals that were so intelligent, who have been reduced to the lowest levels by this disease.
Sadly, PaPa must now be moved to a nursing home. We think that we have located a home (Cherry Hill) that seems to be an excellent facility. It is close to us, and such a nice place. Of course as Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz, "There's no place like home". PaPa no longer knows where home is- when he is at home, he wants to go home. Home is somewhere in his mind that we can't get him to anymore. Home is where his Mother and Daddy were. I have always known that PaPa loved his parents, but since he has been so bad mentally, I have stated several times that he must have loved his parents tremendously. He was so sad at the times we told him they were dead, until we started saying, "They are alright". My dear mother stated that if you had to be in a nursing home, it was better if you were not mentally coherent. So, for that, I guess we are thankful. So, keep us all in your prayers as we are all in for a period of adjustment. Life never stays the same, changes come and go, and we must adapt.
I am sorry for the situation you are facing. My prayers with you all.
I am sorry for the situation you are facing. My prayers with you all.
It's hard to believe that picture was taken just less than 3 weeks ago.
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