Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Well, despite everything that we tried, we have never been able to get DSL at 927 Hathcock Drive. So, in desperation, we decided to try Verizon High-Speed Wireless. WOW- it is WONDERFUL. I knew that come Fall my online teaching load was going to increase tremendously, so I dreaded the thought of having to get to work early, stay late, or go to the church building to handle the correspondence. While we are not thrilled to have to pay additional money, we are pleased, so far, with the results.
Tomorrow we leave for Nashville. We are almost packed. Addi has been with us today, and she is counting the hours. We pray that we have a safe trip and that our kids have a good time.
MaMa is still doing better, and that is wonderful. She is getting good therapy. We talked to the therapist on Monday and she said that she had actually got her onto her feet. She also implied that it was going to be a long road to see if they could get her mobile. Their goal is to get her where she can get to the bathroom. That, of course, will help the nurses. They were very puzzled about her hands, as we have been. I had not noticed, but her fingernails are bruised and black- she also has one nail that is completely gone. We don't know if this happened while she was thrashing about or what. She has had such a hard time. Kim and Paul took the kids on Sunday, and that was a dose of good medicine for her.
David and I went to Decatur to the Penney's Outlet yesterday. We had a good day and picked up a few good bargains. We stopped at the Cullman Wal-Mart coming home and they had some great buys. We bought men's dress pants for $3.00 a pair. David bought a few pair to work toward getting in and we bought Daniel 3 pairs.
I am at the 44 pound mark. Did any of you see the new show about thinking yourself thin? David has been making fun of me because I have tried to "incorporate" some of the ideas into my WW program. One of his main points is to eat slow and chew your food. He said you need to put the fork down between each bite. Now, I have always been a really fast eater. Too fast. I have slowed up the past few days, and I can tell a difference. I have read that it takes the stomach about 20 minutes to tell the brain it is full. The second show will be on Sunday night. Who knows- maybe this guy is onto something.
I better run. Have a great evening and I will post after Lads.


Mandi said...

Thanks for the pants!! I know he needs some especially for work now!

Thanks for all you do for us. Love, Mandi

Crystal said...

Good luck to all the Sylvan Springs folks at L/L.

David Courington said...

Baby, baby is right. That high speed is grand.