Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Day for Love!

Today is Valentine’s Day. I have found great amusement in my middle schoolers and their delight at bringing their so-called boyfriend or girlfriend a balloon, candy, or stuffed animal. Oh that love were as simple as a balloon or a red teddy bear.
I awoke to beautiful card and a new Bible. I had warned David that I did not want (let me re-phrase that…I did not NEED any candy), so he obliged me. I bought him an Allison Krause CD and one of the secretaries put it in a basket with some gum and a small bear and, get this, hand sanitizer (David uses A LOT of hand sanitizer). It turned out cute.
I can’t imagine my world without David. He is just the best. He loves me and I know it. We have such a great time together, even after 31 years. I love spending time with him.
So, Happy Valentine’s Day my love, and thanks for being my perfect Valentine!
For my children on this day, let me say- Your mother loves you beyond words. Kim, Josh, Daniel, you are my hearts. Also, Paul, Katie, and Mandi…how did I get so lucky. And then for the baby Valentines- Addi, Levi, Hannah, and Lila…I thought I had loved as deeply as I could love, and then you came along. I found a new “chamber” in my heart called the “Granna Chamber” and it is as big as the world full of love for the four of you. I pray that you will always know love and kindness in this world.

On another note…please continue to pray for my mother-in-law. She is having such a hard time. She was so bad that on Monday they could not give her a treatment. She did get a treatment on Wednesday, and the doctor is now giving her fluids because she is not eating or drinking. They cut her hair off to keep her from pulling anymore out. She does not even look like herself to me, she is so aged and pitiful. The doctor said it could take a number of treatments before she sees improvement, and in reality, it could be that she does not improve. We certainly hope not. Thankfully she was sleeping some yesterday, although fitfully. The nurses are having to sit over her to keep her from coming out of the chair. I just don’t know how long a body can physically endure the type of situation that she is currently in. On another note, PaPa seems to be doing fairly well, and for that we are thankful. He doesn’t know any thing or any one, but he seems content. Every so often he will say something that makes you wonder if he is having a lucid moment. He still smiles on occasion, and that is worth so much. We are thankful for Cherry Hill and for the wonderful care they give. Having a place for PaPa that seems to be as good as it can be has made it easier.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I am sorry that you all have had so much to deal with. I can't imagine.

Happy Valentine's Day to my adopted mother! I hope you have a good one.