Friday, August 18, 2006

Miss Hannah, Come on Down!

Well, the whole family is in official "wait" mode. Although Hannah is not due until the 24th, we have all determined it is time for her to join the clan. I know Katie and Josh are ready for her to get here. I well remember the anticipation of a new baby- although we had to wait many weeks past my due dates. I sympathize with elephants- I think they carry a baby for something like years!
When she does get here- she will be one loved little girl. It is so sad that not all children are born into families where they are loved.
Hannah Courington- COME ON DOWN!


Emily said...

I wish she'd come on down, too. Today is the day I picked!

Kim said...

I'm ready too! I don't even want to plan to do anything because I keep saying, "But Hannah could come then."

Paul said...

Maybe my "just being annoying" prediction of September 3rd is not so bad afterall. My modified prediction is that she'll be born today (Saturday).

Kim said...

Update your blog!!!!! :-)