For those of you who are in the school setting on a daily basis, you know that about the only good smell is when the lunchroom is baking rolls. I think I smell them now. Of course, being on a diet limits your intake of bread, so the battle rages- do I go get a roll? David reached his 50 pound mark on yesterday- way to go, hon, and I am at the 47 pound mark. This week has certainly helped my diet as my appetite has been numbed by my emotions. I am not an emotional eater, that I know- I am a happy eater. David started in October of '05 and I did not start until January 3rd of this year. The past couple of months we have been really diligent. David is wearing the treadmill out, and I, on the other hand, have not done what I should. I have started taking the long route to the office- which involves about 50 steps (I counted today so that is no exaggeration). I use to look for the shortest route. I know this sounds corny, but I have been a healthy "fat" person. I have low blood pressure (90/55), my cholesterol is about 106 (go figure), and I have had no problems with many of the other health issues surrounding obesity (I hate that word- I really hate "morbidly obese" as it makes you sound not only fat, but awful!) aside from having my gallbladder removed (which was at a time when I had actually lost weight). Our incentive to loose has been fueled by the grandchildren- David wants to take them to Disney World and ride all the rides (watch out, Addi). The 47 pound loss has made me feel better- but then again that roll would make me feel better, too, at least temporarily. I wish those ovens vented to the outside, as smell is such a drug. Luckily, if I do decide to have a roll I will only get 1 as the lunchroom is very stingy. So, I might splurge and have a small roll with my Lean Cuisine! What do you guys think about that????
That roll would go well with a Lean Cuisine. I love you.
By the way, I have my own blog now. Not much there yet.
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