Monday, September 10, 2007

Art Linkletter Should Have Met Addi

Well, Paul posts all the cute sayings, but I am going to beat him on this one.
Yesterday David and myself and all the kids and grandkids met for lunch at Barnhills. We had a great time. As we were finishing lunch, Addi told Kim that she needed to go to the bathroom. Kim told her to wait just a minute, to which Addi replied that she would go by herself. Kim told her that she would not go by herself, and stated, “You can’t go to the bathroom by yourself, someone might try to get you.” To which Addi replied, “If anyone tries to get me, I will tell them that I already have an owner.” How funny.

1 comment:

Alissa and Brody Silly Nanna said...

I love that Addi you never know what she will say. At least she is for the right football team. Roll Tide.