Let me tell you about my children……
Okay, I told you about my grandchildren on the last post, so today I will write about my children. I have 6 children- Kim, Paul, Josh, Katie, Daniel and Mandi. I only gave birth to 3 of them- Kim, Josh and Daniel. The other 3 are children by adoption- through marriage.
I will start with Kim. What can I say about the best daughter a mom could have? Could I say that I adore her? I do. She is just the best. She is a great wife and mother. She has my heart- as do her brothers. I would be lost without her, to say the least. I look forward to her calls and to hearing about her life. I am proud of the woman that she has become. She certainly has given us a lot of joy in the past 28 years. And then she found a young man that has to be the best in the world. Paul is part of our family, and I count him as my own. He has to be in the top ten of Dads in the world. He is such a hard worker and a good provider. He is shaping lives at school and at church. I am thrilled that in this whole wide world, Kim found Paul. I don’t know how God works in everything, but I do feel he had his hand in Kim and Paul’s meeting and marrying.
My middle child, Josh, is certainly special. I can’t imagine having a son any better. Josh has also brought an incredible amount of joy to our family. His excitement about life is contagious. I don’t know where he inherited his love of the outdoors, perhaps from my Indian heritage? Josh has always been such a hard worker and today he continues to rise early, work late, work extra jobs, and go the extra mile. He is such a fine Christian man. His prayers are so meaningful and sincere. He has taken to fatherhood, and Hannah adores him. His turkey calls are her greatest delight and I am certain that in time she will be in the woods with her dad. Josh added Katie to our family, and what a blessing. Katie belongs with us, I know. She has such a wonderful attitude about things. Katie is a great mom. She watches after Hannah so carefully. I have always been a little paranoid about certain things, and I can see the Katie is not going to make me nervous. I know that Hannah will not be allowed to walk through the parking lot without a hand to hold! Katie is a great daughter and I thank God for her.
My baby, Daniel- where to begin??? We kid a lot about Daniel, but what we would have missed if we had stopped short of #3! Daniel kept life interesting for us when he was younger. He was such a smart little kid (and still is), and now we are proud of where he is today. I know he is still finding his niche in life, but I think he is on the right track. Daniel has excelled in everything that he has tackled. Daniel’s love for God and for the church makes me the proudest. I know he is going to do great things for the Kingdom. He is my baby, and I love him dearly. My dear Mandi is my newest child. She is Daniel’s heart, and it thrills me to see what a great match they are. Mandi, like Paul and Katie, is a special member of this family. Being an only child, Mandi inherited a lot when she got this bunch. Mandi always has a good story to tell and she is interesting to talk with. Mandi loves Daniel, and I thank her for that. Mandi cares for people of all ages, from the youngest to the oldest. I feel that we have had her all of her life.
Okay, so now I have told you about my children. They are special, aren’t they?