All is well in our world. David and I have slipped away to the mountains for a short vacation and the leaves are still pretty in some areas.
We found out yesterday our new grandbaby is going to be a boy! That makes 5 girls and 2 boys. This boy will be a "Courington" so perhaps with Daniel and Alex still in the running for adding additional children to the flock, the name will not die out. There is nothing more special about the grandkids who are Couringtons, but it is nice to think the Courington side of the family tree will continue to sprout roots.
I am, once again, trying to lose some weight. I have lost 42 pounds and David has lost almost 30. Seems like same song, different verse! Anyway, at least we are going down some instead of up!
The last time I tried to upload photos I couldn't- looks like this time Blogger let me. Enjoy.